30 Telltale Signs You’re Dealing With a Master Manipulator

Telltale Signs You're Dealing With a Master Manipulator
30 Telltale Signs You're Dealing With a Master Manipulator

Master manipulators are experts at playing on people’s emotions and exploiting their vulnerabilities.

1. Gaslighting:

  • Constantly questioning your reality or making you doubt your own memory.
  • Claiming you’re overreacting or imagining things.

2. Projection:

  • Accusing you of doing something they themselves are guilty of.
  • Shifting blame onto you to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

3. Triangulation:

  • Involving a third party to create drama or to pit people against each other.
  • Using others to control or manipulate you.

4. Guilt Tripping:

  • Making you feel bad for your actions or for not doing what they want.
  • Using guilt to manipulate your behavior.

5. Love Bombing:

  • Overwhelming you with affection and attention at the beginning of a relationship.
  • Quickly withdrawing affection or becoming abusive once they have you under their control.

6. Isolation:

  • Trying to isolate you from friends and family.
  • Making you feel like you can only rely on them.

7. Playing the Victim:

  • Portraying themselves as the victim to gain sympathy or avoid taking responsibility.
  • Using their perceived victimhood to manipulate others.

8. Using Emotion as a Weapon:

  • Threatening to hurt themselves or others to control your behavior.
  • Using emotional outbursts to intimidate or manipulate you.

9. Gaslighting Continued:

  • Constantly questioning your reality or making you doubt your own memory.
  • Claiming you’re overreacting or imagining things.

10. Projecting Continued:

  • Accusing you of doing something they themselves are guilty of.
  • Shifting blame onto you to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

11. Triangulation Continued:

  • Involving a third party to create drama or to pit people against each other.
  • Using others to control or manipulate you.

12. Guilt Tripping Continued:

  • Making you feel bad for your actions or for not doing what they want.
  • Using guilt to manipulate your behavior.

13. Love Bombing Continued:

  • Overwhelming you with affection and attention at the beginning of a relationship.
  • Quickly withdrawing affection or becoming abusive once they have you under their control.

14. Isolation Continued:

  • Trying to isolate you from friends and family.
  • Making you feel like you can only rely on them.

15. Playing the Victim Continued:

  • Portraying themselves as the victim to gain sympathy or avoid taking responsibility.
  • Using their perceived victimhood to manipulate others.

16. Using Emotion as a Weapon Continued:

  • Threatening to hurt themselves or others to control your behavior.
  • Using emotional outbursts to intimidate or manipulate you.

17. Future Faking:

  • Making promises they have no intention of keeping.
  • Painting a rosy picture of the future to keep you in the relationship.

18. Stonewalling:

  • Refusing to communicate or engage in a conversation.
  • Shutting down to avoid dealing with conflict.

19. Minimizing Your Feelings:

  • Dismissing or belittling your emotions.
  • Making you feel like your feelings are unimportant or invalid.

20. Playing Hot and Cold:

  • Being overly affectionate one moment and distant the next.
  • Keeping you on edge and unsure of their feelings.

21. Gaslighting Continued:

  • Constantly questioning your reality or making you doubt your own memory.
  • Claiming you’re overreacting or imagining things.

22. Projecting Continued:

  • Accusing you of doing something they themselves are guilty of.
  • Shifting blame onto you to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

23. Triangulation Continued:

  • Involving a third party to create drama or to pit people against each other.
  • Using others to control or manipulate you.

24. Guilt Tripping Continued:

  • Making you feel bad for your actions or for not doing what they want.
  • Using guilt to manipulate your behavior.

25. Love Bombing Continued:

  • Overwhelming you with affection and attention at the beginning of a relationship.
  • Quickly withdrawing affection or becoming abusive once they have you under their control.

26. Isolation Continued:

  • Trying to isolate you from friends and family.
  • Making you feel like you can only rely on them.

27. Playing the Victim Continued:

  • Portraying themselves as the victim to gain sympathy or avoid taking responsibility.
  • Using their perceived victimhood to manipulate others.

28. Using Emotion as a Weapon Continued:

  • Threatening to hurt themselves or others to control your behavior.
  • Using emotional outbursts to intimidate or manipulate you.

29. Future Faking Continued:

  • Making promises they have no intention of keeping.
  • Painting a rosy picture of the future to keep you in the relationship.

30. Stonewalling Continued:

  • Refusing to communicate or engage in a conversation.
  • Shutting down to avoid dealing with conflict.